Pricelist - Rooms

Accommodation in the Eva Spa House is provided in single and double air-conditioned rooms of category *** superior with full facilities (bathroom with shower, toilet), TV, refrigerator, telephone and internet connection. Some rooms have a terrace with seating in the summer months and a view of the surrounding countryside.

Rooms for disabled clients are also specially adapted. For more demanding clients we offer the possibility of accommodation in an apartment. Comfortably furnished and air-conditioned rooms - bedroom with double bed, living room with workplace, kitchenette, dressing room and full facilities, (bathroom with shower, toilet), TV, fridge, telephone, internet connection. Clients whose stay is fully covered by the health insurance company (comprehensive spa care) is accommodation is provided in standard equipped double rooms with full facilities (bathroom with shower, toilet), TV, fridge and telephone in the spa house Vladimir.

Accommodation price list for self-pay spa stay with medical care

Type of accommodation Price
1/1 single room 1200 CZK
1/2 double room - price per person 950 CZK
1/2 double room with terrace - price per person 1000 CZK
apartment 2 500 CZK
1/2 room - occupied by one person only 1 400 CZK
1/2 room with terrace - occupied by one person only 1 500 CZK
  • 1/1 one person in a single room, 1/2 one person in a double room. 
  • double room occupied by one person 1 400 CZK
  • double room with terrace occupied by one person 1 500 CZK
  • accommodation in apartment 2 500 CZK (accommodation for 1 maximum 2 persons)
  • Spa stay with medical care includes a medical consultation on arrival and a treatment programme

Single and double air-conditioned rooms category *** superior with private facilities (bathroom with shower, toilet), TV, fridge, telephone, internet connection. Prices for accommodation are in CZK per person / night. Rooms are available on the day of arrival from 11.00 a.m. on the day of departure until 9.00 a.m.

Prices and services subject to change.

Accommodation price list for hotel stay

Type of accommodation Price
1/1 single room 2 370 CZK
1/2 double room - price per person 1 930 CZK
1/2 double room with terrace - price per person 1 980 CZK
apartment 2 760 CZK
cot 470 CZK
  • 1/1 one person in a single room, 1/2 one person in a double room. Extra bed 470 CZK/night
  • double room occupied by one person 1 930 CZK
  • double room with terrace occupied by one person 1 980 CZK
  • accommodation in apartment 2 760 CZK (accommodation for 1 maximum 2 persons)


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