Ochrana oznamovatelů

Our company accepts notifications under the Whistleblower Protection Act. Below you will find all the reporting channels along with a description of how to file and track a report. Only the appropriate person can see the notification you submit. No one else has access to the notifications.

Contact details are not used to submit notifications.

Methods of notification

According to the law, we allow the sending of notifications through all mandatory channels, in writing, orally and in person..

1. In writing, orally

Notification form: www.nntb.cz/c/yft998rv

A voice recording can be made at this link.

2. Personally

No later than 14 days after the agreement on the above contacts.

Monitoring notifications

Announcements can be followed on www.nntb.cz/c/yft998rv after entering a unique key, which you will receive after sending the notification.

Personal data protection

The competent person is obliged to keep an electronic record of the data on the notifications received, to the extent of:

  • the date of receipt of the notification,
  • the name, surname, date of birth and contact address of the whistleblower, or other information from which the identity of the whistleblower can be inferred, if known,
  • a summary of the content of the notification and identification of the person against whom the notification was directed, if known,
  • the date of completion of the assessment of the reasonableness of the notification by the competent person or authorised officer and the result thereof.

The competent person is required by law to keep notifications submitted through the internal notification system and documents related to the notification for 5 years from the date of receipt of the notification. Only the competent person shall have access to the records referred to in this Article and to the documents relating to the notification and to the notifications retained in the case of notifications made through the internal notification system.

The competent person does not provide anyone, including the obliged entity, with the personal data it collects in the course of its activities and the obliged entity does not process these personal data. Only the law may provide for exceptions.

The data controller is the sole data controller and the whistleblower retains the right to access, rectify or erase the personal data relating to the data subject, or restrict processing, as well as the right to object to processing, as well as the right to data portability and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection.

Externí oznamovací kanál

For more details on whistleblower protection and the possibility to submit a notification through the external reporting system, see: https://oznamovatel.justice.cz


The obliged entity shall exclude receiving notifications from a person who does not perform work or other similar activity for the obliged entity pursuant to § 2 paragraph. 3 letter. a), b), h) or i) Whistleblower Protection Act. Anonymous notifications will also be excluded. 

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