Visiting rules of the summer swimming pool

These visitor regulations are intended to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations and to protect the health and safety of visitors to the summer swimming pool and must be observed by visitors without fail. By purchasing a ticket or chip and entering the premises, the visitor undertakes to comply with all the provisions of the regulations and to follow the instructions of the staff of the summer swimming pool.


There are two ticket offices for checking in visitors, where it is possible to buy tickets with a barcode (single entry) and a contactless chip (multiple entry). The chip can be bought back from the customer.

The entrance to the swimming pool area is solved through 3 turnstiles and a two-way gate. The gate serves for immobile visitors or mothers with children.

Wristband chips and tickets with a barcode are used for entry to the LK area, departure is free via turnstiles.

When the swimming pool is full, the entrance through the turnstiles will be closed until other places become available due to the departure of some visitors. Ticket sales are closed 30 minutes before the swimming pool closes. In case of bad weather, the entrance fee will not be refunded..


They are divided into a section for women and a section for men. Visitors are required to undress and dress only in the changing rooms and changing cabins. The changing rooms are equipped with key lockers. The coin lock requires a 10 CZK coin to be thrown in (it is thrown in from the inside of the door). After the coin is thrown, the key can be turned after the door is closed, the locker locked and the key removed from the lock. After unlocking the locker, the coin is returned.

No entry to the swimming pool and other areas of the premises:

  • Persons affected by fever, conjunctivitis, hair, skin or other communicable diseases, parasites, rashes and diseases accompanied by discharge.
  • Persons quarantined for infection, family members or members of the Household in which a communicable disease has occurred and the patient is not isolated.
  • Persons apparently under the influence of alcohol or other addictive substances.
  • Children under 1 year of age are not allowed in the pools.
  • Children from 1 to 3 years of age may only enter the pools in swimsuits with a tight elastic band.
  • Children under 12 years of age are only allowed in the swimming pool when accompanied by an adult.
  • No entry with animals (all species).
  • It is forbidden to take any goggles or swimming equipment on the attractions, especially the slides and water slide.
    • Adults and children are allowed in the pools only in swimwear. Swimwear must not have any metallic or sharp parts that can damage the health of persons or LK equipment..


In the premises of the swimming pool, every visitor is obliged to observe the provisions of the visitor regulations and to heed the instructions of the LK staff..

In case of injury, seek lifeguard who will provide first aid. In the event of a storm, everyone must leave the pools. Visitors are required to shower before entering the pools and must enter all pools via wading pools only. The water in the showers and wading pools is not drinkable. Keep all areas of the pool area clean and dispose of trash only in the designated receptacles. Take care of your own safety and the safety of other visitors. Observe the principles of decency and morality.

Money and valuable items can be stored in security boxes. Otherwise, the swimming pool operator is not responsible for their loss. The operator is not responsible for large sums of money over 1000,-CZK and other valuable items. Items found on the premises of the swimming pool should be handed in at the ticket office. Visitors are obliged to spare the facilities of the swimming pool area and to pay for damages caused by their fault. Visitors can write comments about the operation or the staff of the swimming pool in the comment book, which can be requested from the ticket office.

Visitors are obliged to leave the pools 15 minutes before the end of the operating hours.

Outside opening hours it is not allowed to stay at LK


  • Behave in a manner that threatens safety and order.
  • Disturb the peace of other visitors.
  • Diving, colliding, throwing into the water, running on and jumping from the walkways, as well as from other possible places (water attractions).
  • Calling for help without a cause.
  • Pollute the water and other areas by spitting, litter outside designated areas.
  • Smoking is forbidden in the whole area except for the designated areas at the buffets.
  • Entering the pool area with gum, food and drink.
  • Bringing glass objects and other objects into the premises that endanger the safety of visitors.
  • Bringing dogs or other animals onto the premises.
  • Bring inflatable objects, fins, balls (only inflatable sleeves and goggles are allowed) into the pool without the lifeguard's permission.
  • Riding bikes, scooters, roller skates and other bicycles
  • Relocate benches and other site facilities.
  • Photograph and film other visitors to the LK area.


Exercise extra caution on all attractions and follow written warnings and operator instructions!!!

Multipurpose swimming pool - water rainbow, climbing net, bottom pearls, sea waves, wide slide (length 14.6 m, height 3.72 m), water slide (length 57 m, height 5.75 m), swimming lanes, diving tower

3 m a 1 m. Entry to the diving section is only allowed for swimmers over 12 years of age or over 140 cm in height.

Slide and toboggan ride, commuter pool:

Follow the operating rules located directly on the attraction, children under 6 years of age can only access the slides when accompanied by an adult. The visitor is obliged to maintain the necessary spacing, to take extra care and to respect the orders of the supervisors at the slide. It must not be used by persons with reduced mobility.

Recreational swimming pool – jet channel, bottom bead, wall massage, tubular massage chairs, water/air massage bench, water cannon, gargoyles, water mushroom, water hedgehog, rocking bay, small slide Cobra and Bugs Bunny.

Children's swimming pool – bottom bead, out-of-level slide.

Exclusion from visiting the summer swimming pool area

Visitors who, despite being warned, do not comply with the provisions of the visitor regulations, do not obey the instructions of the responsible staff or behave in any other inappropriate manner will be expelled from the swimming pool area without a refund.

If in such cases the visitor does not leave the premises when asked to do so, the responsible employee may request the intervention of a member of the security agency, the Municipal Police or the Police of the Czech Republic..

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