Hodonín Spa's natural healing source

The natural healing source used in Hodonín Spa is iodobromine water ~ brine.

Mineral water from the tertiary period. Left over from an ancient sea 2 km below ground level, the unique natural healing source used by Hodonín Spa ~ iodobromine water known as brine has unique curative, preventive and regenerative effects.

Used for individual bathing. Iodobromine water was used by local residents two hundred years ago in traditional medicine, and today its healing attributes are used by the team of health professionals at Hodonín Spa.

The geological origins of iodobromine water ~ brine

This region, which used to be submerged by a tertiary sea, has become the source for the iodobromine mineral water used here. The Hodonín region is a part of the Vienna basin and healing brine is pumped by use of deep boreholes from the Elbe Sandstone region, sandstone rocks at a depth of 1960 to 2040 meters below ground level. The temperature of the brine at 1887 meters reaches 69.7° C.

Therapeutic effects of the natural iodine contained in the brine

The therapeutic attributes of natural iodine in the brine has an effect on the connective tissues of veins and the musculoskeletal system and can thus be used for the treatment of vascular diseases, neurological and musculoskeletal illnesses, gynecological problems, and burns. It has significant anti-inflammatory and healing properties. We draw the water into individual baths.

Přírodní léčivý zdroj

    Facilitates bio stimulation - supports tissue nourishment
  • Improves function of the vascular system
  • Natural disinfectant
  • Subject to sublimation (releases itself as a steam), having beneficial effects on the respiratory tract

Location of the iodobromine water ~ brine

The natural healing source for Hodonín Spa is iodobromine water - sodium carbonate-chloride, with 40 - 60 mg/l of iodine salts, pumped from two boreholes (Josefov BVJ~1 Podluží, Josefov BVJ~2 Prušánka, and with borehole Josefov BVJ~3 Josefka as a control borehole). The iodine water comes from the extensive Elbe sandstone crust layer, a large geological porous sandy reservoir deep underground.

The reserves of iodine water in the surroundings of Hodonín are extensive. The iodine water contains a large amount of healing salts of iodine and bromine with quite a low mineralization, making it particularly suitable for balneological use.

Mineral water classification

The water is a natural strongly mineralized iodine sodium chloride hypertonic hypothermal mineral water with high level of bromides and boric acid. Iodine has been known as an element since 1811. It is the most powerful natural halogen.

It has significant pharmacological effects and influences the whole metabolism. It is pumped from deep boreholes and then transported through special pipes to the spa. Due to its high iodine content, it is diluted at a ratio of 1:1 for bathing with a water temperature of 36°C ~ 38 °C and is used for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, post injury and post operational conditions, neurological diseases and illnesses of the circulatory system. The spontaneous oxidation of iodine into elementary iodine through hypochlorites, the main healing effect, has valuable sublimation properties.

Basic chemical analysis of the spa water
Total minerals 14,16 g
Anions 8,729 g vody
Chlorides 7674,0 mg/l 92.87 ekv. %
Bicarbonates 946,0 mg/l 6,65 ekv. %
Bromides 54,5 mg/l 0,29 ekv. %
Iodides 50.6 mg/l 0,17 ekv. %
Cations 5,083 g
Sodium 4840,0 mg/ 94,60 ekv. %
Calcium 102,0 mg/l 2,29 ekv. %
Magnesium 41,3 mg/l 1,53 ekv. %
Ammonium 24,0 mg/l 0,60 ekv. %

The brine is marked by a high level of iodine and bromine salts. It has been compared to water from the Dead Sea, although the brine contains much higher concentrations of iodine. The other minerals are present at a concentration of almost double. Spa experts place it amongst the highest quality of healing iodobromine waters in Europe..

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