These visitor rules are intended to comply with the applicable regulations and to protect the health and safety of visitors to the WARM SWIMMING POOL in Hodonín (hereinafter referred to as the KPB) and must be observed by visitors unconditionally.
- The capacity of the KPB in Hodonín is 63 persons for the large swimming pool, 34 persons for the small pool for non-swimmers and whirlpool for 8 persons, i.e. a total of 105 persons in the 2nd floor and 28 persons in the wellness area in the 1st floor. NP.
- The changing rooms, showers and sanitary facilities correspond to the capacity of the facility and are divided into a ladies' section and a gents' section.
- These visitor rules are based on the current KPB operating rules, which are available at the KPB ticket office and the lifeguard.
- The hours of operation of the Indoor Swimming Pool and its daily schedule for public use are listed on the website and then it is marked at the entrance and at the ticket office.
- Entry to the KPB is only allowed with a valid chip, which can be purchased at the Indoor Swimming Pool ticket office. Prices are set according to the valid price list. The sale of chips starts when the pool is opened to the public and ends one hour before its closing, if the visitor buys entry later than 70 minutes before the end of the opening hours, he is obliged to keep the opening hours, in this case the admission fee does not change. Financial compensation will be required for lost and damaged chips.
- Children under 12 years of age are only allowed in the pool when accompanied by a person over 18 years of age.
- Children are allowed in the pools from the age of one. Children aged 1 to 3 years are only allowed in the pool wearing a swimsuit with a tight elastic band around the legs.
- Persons under the influence of drugs and other intoxicants are not allowed to enter the Indoor Swimming Pool.
- Persons who are affected by any disease that threatens the health of other persons present in the pool (e.g. cough, skin rashes, purulent wounds, etc.), as well as persons who are soiled or drunk are not allowed to enter the Indoor Swimming Pool and are excluded from swimming.
- The use of the Indoor Swimming Pool may also be denied to persons whose visit could have a demonstrably disturbing effect on the order and safety of the Indoor Swimming Pool, the cleanliness of the pool and on moral and social principles.
- Visitors who, despite being warned, do not comply with the provisions of the operating regulations or do not obey the instructions of the responsible staff may also be banned from the Indoor Swimming Pool without the right to a refund of the admission fee. Alternatively, the offence may be reported to the relevant security authority for punishment.
- The visitor is obliged to pay the prescribed deposit for renting a lock or chip. This deposit is non-refundable in case of damage and loss.
- The use of Indoor Swimming Pool without the supervision of the responsible personnel present is not permitted for safety reasons. Visitors must obey the instructions and orders of the competent staff of the operator.
- Every visitor is obliged to use the cleansing showers before entering the pool.
- Use of the pool including undressing, showering and dressing is set for 60 min. This time period must not be exceeded. If the visitor exceeds this time limit, he/she will be charged an additional fee for every 15 minutes, according to the valid price list.
- There are separate showers and toilets for each sex. Shared use is not allowed.
- Before swimming in the pool, visitors are obliged for hygienic reasons to use toilets and showers and to wash themselves properly without swimwear, preferably with soap and clean water..
- Every visitor must wear proper bathing attire - swimwear. He must observe the principles of morality and decency in his behaviour. Visitors wearing inappropriate swimwear may be banned from the pool.
- Jumping into the water is only allowed in a designated place and with the consent of the lifeguard or the person responsible for order during training.
- The use of swimming rings or other swimming aids for non-swimmers in the large pool or balls for playing in the small pool is always decided by the lifeguard according to the current occupancy of the pools. The lifeguard must always be asked to use the non-swimming pool.
- In the event of a power failure, it automatically switches on emergency lighting to allow safe exit from the indoor swimming pool premises.
- The visitor is obliged to pay compensation for arbitrary damage, soiling and loss of borrowed objects in the amount of the purchase price of the object. For damage to the equipment and soiling of a room in the Indoor Swimming Pool, the visitor must pay provable compensation to be submitted to the Indoor Swimming Pool management..
- When leaving the changing rooms, the visitor is obliged to hand over the borrowed items.
- Lázně Hodonín, s.r.o. shall not be liable for any damage to property or health caused intentionally, by carelessness or failure to comply with the operating and visiting regulations, instructions of the lifeguard or other authorised persons. All persons use the Indoor Swimming Pool facilities at their own risk.
- To provide first aid in the event of an injury to an injured person, the lifeguard must be contacted immediately and will arrange for medical assistance as required.
- Visitors can write their wishes and complaints regarding the operation and staff of the Indoor Swimming Pool in the book located in the Indoor Swimming Pool ticket office..
- The Head of the Indoor Swimming Pool will respond to all your questions or comments in writing if you write your address, otherwise he will respond verbally.
- Threaten other persons physically or with noise.
- Staying in areas that are not open to the public.
- Spitting on the floor and in the water, urinating in the water, rinsing your mouth and nose in the water, using ointments when bathing or otherwise polluting the water and Indoor Swimming Pool area.
- Cut and dye your hair, shave. Clean or do laundry.
- Entering compartments or areas designated exclusively for the other sex.
- Taking glass, needles, pins, razor blades and other objects into the pool or throwing them away, endangering the safety of visitors.
- Bring any flammable substances or chemicals that may cause fire or endanger the health of others.
- Eat food, drink beverages in the pool area outside the buffet. Entering the pool area with gum, including changing rooms and showers.
- Bringing dogs or other animals with you.
- Privately photograph other persons or otherwise harass them.
- Arbitrarily move furniture, tamper with steam, heating, electrical wiring and other equipment.
- Arbitrarily and without the need to use a first aid kit and require staff. Indoor Swimming Pool services and acts contrary to these regulations.
- If a Indoor Swimming Pool employee discovers that a visitor is in possession of or is using items that are contrary to the operating rules, he/she will remove them for safekeeping and release them to the visitor upon his/her departure
- Visitors are required to respect the facilities and equipment of Indoor Swimming Pool, which serve all visitors regardless of race or gender.
- If visitors have larger amounts of money or other valuables, they can store them in the security locker in the lobby. We ask visitors to do so in their own interest.
- These operating rules are binding for all visitors of the Indoor Swimming Pool upon payment of the entrance fee and come into force on the date of their publication..
In Hodonín, 1 November 2017