Regulations Hodonin day spa

These regulations complement existing laws and regulations for the health and safety of visitors to the Hodonin Day Spa (hereinafter “the Spa”) and visitors and organisations must strictly comply with them. These regulations are an integral part of the operating procedures of the Spa.

Article 1 - Entrance to the Spa

1. By paying the entrance fee the visitor agrees to be bound by the regulations and shall follow the instructions of the Spa staff.

2. Entrance to the Spa and its daily schedule for visitor use is displayed at the entrance and on the website:

3. Entrance to the Spa is permitted only with a valid ticket or chip card, which can be purchased at the Spa reception. Upon valid entry, the visitor will receive a chip which allows access through the turnstile and is also a locker key.

4. Prices for entry to the individual zones, for procedures and the fitness area are listed in the pricelist at the reception and on the Spa's website. Concessions apply for children up to 15 years old, students to 26 and OAPs over 70, and disabled access (with official proof), disabled persons may take a carer upon presentation of disability card (carer to be over 18). Acceptable documents for this purpose are student cards, report cards, ISIC cards, disability stickers and cards, or any ID documentation which demonstrates eligibility for concession.

5. No refunds for lost or used tickets or chip cards.

6. Children under 150 cm are not admitted to the Spa.

7. Children up to the age of 15 may be admitted with a parent, legal guardian or responsibleperson over 18 (hereinafter the responsible person), who will constantly monitor the minor.

8. Minors requesting admittance themselves to individual zones, where it is reasonable to assume that access to the individual zone is permitted only with the guidance and monitoring of a responsible person, must show valid proof of age. If they are unable to demonstrate their age, they will not be admitted to the individual zones.

9. Organised groups of minors must be accompanied by a responsible person. Given the nature of the facility the responsibility must show extra care in their supervision. Should control be lost over the minors a member of Spa staff must be informed immediately and appropriate steps should be taken at the same.

10. Visitors must leave the area of the individual zones no later than 15 minutes before the end of opening times of the Spa, and the locker rooms must be vacated by the end of the opening hours.

11. The Spa premises are monitored by a camera system. The camera system is to ensure the safety and security of Spa visitors and property.

12. Bicycles and other personal transportation devices are not permitted in the Spa premises. With the exception of wheel chairs for the disabled, upon presentation of valid disability identification. Persons strapped in wheel chairs, using French sticks, splints, crutches, or any other hygienically unsound items must leave these items in the locker room and replace them with hygienic aids.

13. Animals are prohibited in the SPA, with the exception of guide dogs, however, for hygienereasons, they are not allowed into the visitors’ zones.

14. Prior to access to the visitors zone, visitors are required to store their personal items into the lockers. Money and valuables can be placed into the safe at reception for a fee. Overcoats, bags and child car seats may not be taken into the visitors’ area of the Spa. The Spa management is not responsible for items left outside of the lockable lockers. Items stored in the lockable lockers are guaranteed by the management up to a max value of 2000 CZK. Lost items will be stored at the Spa reception.

Article 2 - Exclusion from visiting the Spa

1. Use of the Spa may be denied to persons whose visit could cause a disruption to order, hygiene or safety of the visitors or the running of the Spa, the purity of the pool or to accepted social morals.

2. Visitors may be ejected from the Spa without refund, if they fail to adhere to these regulations despite repeated warnings, fail to follow the instructions of the Spa staff or otherwise behave in an inappropriate manner. If the visitor in such cases refuses to vacate the premises, the Spa staff can request intervention from the City or National police.

Article 3 - How to use the Spa for visitors

1. Activities in the Spa: the issuing of chip cards for lockers will be carried out on a first come, first served basis.

2. Use of the Spa without the supervision or presence of a responsible member of staff is not allowed for safety reasons.

3. The locker rooms and showers are segregated on a gender basis. Mixed use of one room for changing and shower is not permitted.

4. Before entering the individual zones, visitors are required for hygienic reasons to use the toilets, showers and to carefully wash without swimwear with soap and to rinse with clean water.

5. In zone 1, every visitor must have swimwear and their behaviour should adhere to the principles of decency and morality. The lower part of the swimwear must be no longer than above the knees. It is forbidden to swim in underwear or in anything other than swimwear. Visitors using any of the saunas or steam room must have a thorough shower before entering the sauna or steam room. It is forbidden to move around the Spa naked, without swimwear.

6. For arbitrary damage, defacing or loss of chip cards, visitors are required to pay a fee in the amount of the purchase price of the object. For damaged equipment and defaced spaces in the Spa, the visitor must pay a demonstrable amount of damages, which the management must prove.

7. On leaving the locker room, the visitor must return the chip card.

8. Visitors must observe warnings, instructions, prohibitions and information signs and other warnings and must not damage, deface or remove them. Visitors are to pay extra attention to the protection of their own safety and that of their property, especially considering the risks associated with using the Spa area.

9. For damages, injuries and injuries caused by carelessness or non-compliance with the Spa regulations, or the instructions of Spa staff, the management shall not assume any responsibility. Visitors must not behave in such a way as to be conflict with good morals or to threaten security, peace and order in the Spa area.

10. Visitors should behave in a responsible manner towards the facility and equipment. In case of abuse, intentional pollution, deterioration or disposal of equipment and equipment dl visitor shall be responsible for the damage. It is forbidden to cross or go around any barriers or cordons in the Spa. In the event that a visitor causes material damage to the management, the management will apply their right to damages for the repair of damages, in line with relevant legislation.

11. The management of the Spa is entitled in line with the provisions of Article 6 of the Civil Code, in its current version, to use its right of unilateral intervention to actively prevent, in a measured mannered, any offences by a visitor to a third person (e.g. not paying, theft, damage to property) until such time as the Police arrive.

12. The fully-equipped first aid kit is stored in the lifeguards’ room and in the reception of the Spa. Health services of an emergency doctor are provided in Hodonin.

13. In the event of injuries or other exceptional incidents, visitors must inform the Spa staff immediately. The staff will ensure treatment at the Spa's first aid centre or if necessary a nurse will provide medical attention.

14. An accident/injury report will be made upon receipt of a notification, which will state the circumstances leading to the accident, injury and other information that could be important in deciding responsibility for the damage. The accident report should be signed by the visitor and a representative of the management. The visitor is required to providetrue and complete information necessary for identification.

15. Injury and damage caused must be reported on the same day as it occurred, and if possible before the end of the validity of the purchased tickets so that the incidents can be properly and promptly dealt with. Spa visitors are bound to provide the management with all cooperation necessary to discover all the deciding factors to determine responsibility for the damage caused. The management of the Spa shall not be liable for properly discovering the deciding factors, if the injury was not notified in line with the previous sentences, or if the visitor does not fulfil their responsibilities to provide the necessary cooperation.

16. The management reserves the right to close individual areas of the Spa if they are booked out by an organisation, if there are no free lockers, during necessary maintenance or for other important reasons to restrict the operation of these zones. Restricted access to the individual zones, for procedures and the fitness area are listed at the reception and on the Spa's website. In such cases the visitor does not have the right to financial compensation.

17. The management reserves the right to restrict access to the wellness area (pool, whirlpool, sauna), mud and steam spa when they have reached their maximum capacity: wellness - 75 visitors, mud bath 4 visitors, steam room 4 visitors.

18. Any requests, notes or complaints can be handed in at the Spa reception or directly at the offices of the representative of Lazni Hodonin responsible for management of the Spa.

Article 4 - Prohibition of activities

In the area of the Spa, the following is forbidden:

1. To bother other users either physically or with noise.

2. To jump into the water, to dive, splash or throw water.

3. To loiter in areas that are, for operational and safety reasons, off-limits to the public.

4. To spit on the floor and into water, to urinate in the water, to rinse out mouth or nose in the water. To pollute the water and area of the Spa and to use balms and ointments.

5. To use any kind of shaving equipment.

6. To clean or wash clothing and to use shampoos or soaps outside of areas set aside for this purpose (sinks, showers of the Spa).

7. To enter into areas or spaces intended only for the opposite sex.

8. To take or throw glass items, needles, pins or other items into the Spa, which might endanger the safety of other visitors.

9. To enter the locker room without carefully drying.

10. To bring any chemicals which might cause fires or endanger the health of others. Chewing gum is forbidden in the whole area of the Spa, including the lockers and reception.

11. To eat food, drink alcoholic drinks anywhere in the Spa except for specially designated areas.

12. To enter the individual zones with mobile phones and equipment for taking audiovisual recordings, to privately photograph others or otherwise bother them.

13. To request services or activities from the employees of the Spa which contravene these regulations.

14. Smoking is strictly forbidden in the whole building.

15. To enter with items attached to the body or swimwear, which may damage the equipment of the Spa, or which could come off the body or swimwear.

16. To advertise or sell products or services, to handout or sell literature and advertising leaflets, to carry out political propaganda.

17. To call for help without serious cause, to misuse the safety equipment of the Spa.

Article 5 - General provisions

1. If a member of staff of the Spa, discovers that a visitor has or is using items which may endanger others and is in contravention of these regulations, the items may be place into the safe and returned to the visitor as they leave.

2. We ask that our visitors, in their own interests, refrain from bringing valuable items and large amounts of cash into the Spa.

3. These regulations are binding for all Spa visitors.

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